Stories by SOFIANE


Data collection and analysis

It is so important to know how to use data collection and analyze it for your own good. In every market research and before starting any business.


what is External sales channel?

The external sales channel is a process of selling your product, specifically on those who do not work directly with your organization.

Search Engine

The four steps of search engine operation

We don't spend a day without searching for something on search engines, I will reveal to you why they are a mind-blowing place to market for

Call to Action CTA

CTA is an expression that stands for :call to action. It is designed to attract an immediate interaction or encourage the visitor to take a desired...

How to promote your business for free?

It is widely spread that traditional media advertising is extremely costing and inaccessible for small businesses means.


3 reasons why email marketing is so important

The truth, it is the best channel in marketing. Email marketing is sending a succession of mails to the recipient to nurture your recipients.

Best practices for the Landing Page

Have you ever thought about what is a landing page? And what is its importance? Well, a landing page is where the conversion happens.

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